LAND ART 2023 på Dikemark

Våren 2023 ble det utlyst en «open call» for Land Art på Dikemark. Det var i alt 126 kunstnere, fra 23 land, som søkte. Ut fra den overveldende søknadsmassen valgte juryen syv verk som nå blir produsert. Kunstnerne arbeider i, med og på det fantastiske området. Noen vil lage kunst ut av det de finner i naturen, som steiner, kvister, trestammer og jordhauger. Andre har med seg materialer og bygger kunstinstallasjoner som barn og voksne kan oppleve og bevege seg i og rundt. Disse kunstverkene har ofte begrenset varighet, og du må kanskje lete litt før du finner overraskende kunstprosjekter midt inne i


Tanja Thorjussen & Don Lawrence (NO/JA)
As a collaborative team comprising of artist Tanja Thorjussen and architect Don Lawrence,
we propose to create a Land Art project that focuses on the theme of "Nature as Healer"
supporting the local animals, plants, and nature of the former psychiatric hospital in
Dikemark, Norway. With Tanja's focus on the spiritual in nature and bodies of water,
hydrofeminism, and the science embedded in ancient mythology, combined with Don's
expertise in nature-integrated architecture, we will together create an installation that is
both aesthetic, environmentally low impact and serves the purpose of healing.

Juanma González (SE)
In Dikemark’s context, I see a relationship between the therapeutic benefits of walking in a
labyrinth and the former psychiatric hospital. I believe that it is a beautiful gesture to
facilitate a room in the public space which one can use for several manners: meditating,
healing, playing, having fun, or just, walking in.

F36 Arts collective (NO)
We take the cultural-historical testimony out into a larger space, out into nature, into a
forest and erase the distinction between nature and culture. Man-made meets the great
generous and vulnerable nature, which we often take for granted.

Alice Kettle (UK/SE)
‘When I Am Among the Trees’, is a woven space from willow that invites interaction,
fascination, and healing, as a way of helping us to reorientate our thinking to one of co-
existence and collaboration. The project aims to help blur the boundaries between a human
and a non-human perception as a way of disrupting human-centeredness. Non-human
beings are currently overlooked in the narrative around care, but what if they became
inseparably intertwined?

Rodolfo Liprandi (IT)
A sculptural installation in symbiosis with the Norwegian territory and landscape, a creative
process carried out entirely within the wooded areas around Dikemark, through a direct
dialogue with them. The natural materials collected in the forest are transformed into the
animals that inhabit it, but which we do not always see. An artistic intervention that creates
a fairy-tale dimension, placing a magnifying glass on local biodiversity; with the aim of raising
awareness and surprising visitors of all ages.

Alina Panasenko (UKR)
My project represents a critical look at phenomena that were once positioned as positive
(industrialization, etc.). In this way, I want to convey the idea that criticism, and as creativity,
should be present in the discussion. Criticism of oneself and new popular movements.
Humanity must learn to look three steps ahead. As for emphasizing that, I'll look back. To my
city, as it was before the full-scale war.

Billie Ireland (UK)
To make enduring symbolic artworks/groundworks using biochar.
They will reflect the surrounding environmental carbon sinks but using reverential and
creative landscape interventions. For this project I aim to respond to my research, fieldwork
and collaborative processes onsite to curiously discover carbon symbols in the ground at
Dikemark. They will make connections between all the carbon life forms present and past, to
architecture and the human relationships to the site as well as otherworldly aspects. I will
use a process of cutting, annointing and healing the land using a spade, sieve, biochar and
compost made from organic debris on site.

Juryen for prosjektet har hatt følgende sammensetning:
Asker kommune -
Vibeke Hermanrud
Galleri Dikemark -
Anne Siv Falkenberg Pedersen
Kjærringøy land art -
Ane Øverås
NIE (New international Encounter) -
Kjell Moberg
Trafo Kunsthall –
Katja van Etten Jarem

Land Art 2023 er et samarbeid mellom Trafo Kunsthall, Asker kommune og NIE Teater.
NIE er produsent av Land Art 2023.

Land Art 2023, er en del av NIE teaters internasjonale teaterfestival på Dikemark.
Festivalen har som hovedformål å presentere sjangeroverskridende kunstopplevelser for
barn og unge og deres foresatte.

I perioden 28.8 – 10.9 vil 1200 ungdommer fra Asker oppleve forestillinger, workshops,
kunstvandringer og museumsbesøk på området.

​Prosjektet er støtte av Asker kommune og Viken fylkeskommune.